Since its founding in 1991, the Foundation has funded 916 grants totaling more than $13.3 million

The Foundation funds projects that enhance the educational experience of Bronxville students. Most grant applications are submitted by Bronxville educators, but parents and students are encouraged to submit applications as well. Projects include:

  • New curriculum development and innovative programming
  • Pilot programs and visiting experts
  • Professional development for teachers
  • Technology
  • Special equipment, materials, tools and resources
  • Facilities planning and renovation

Every grant application is reviewed by the entire Foundation Board. Considerations include:

  • Fit with the Foundation’s mission to enhance education
  • The power of the project to help transform teaching and learning
  • Whether the initiative supports one or more of the tenets of the Bronxville Promise – To Innovate, Lead, Think Critically, and Engage the World – or the Heart of the Promise – Compassion and Support of Others, Collaboration, Integrity, Perseverance, Inclusivity, Social and Emotional Well-Being, and Belonging
  • The number of students the initiative will benefit and whether it is scalable
  • Whether the grant covers an area of critical need not currently served by the school
  • The viability of project budgets and implementation plans
  • Distribution of resources across all three schools and all academic and cross-curricular areas

The Foundation undertakes a grantmaking process that lasts most of the school year

  • Fall - Members of the Foundation Board’s Grants Committee fan out to speak with administrators, teachers, grade-level team heads, department chairs, club advisors, students and parents to talk about the grants process and to understand the needs and priorities for the coming year
  • Early March - Ideas are turned into grant applications and submitted to the Foundation, mostly by educators but also students, parents and community members
  • March to May - Applications undergo an extensive due diligence process. Every member of the Foundation Board reads the grant applications and submits questions for the grant applicants. Budgets and implementation plans are scrutinized, fit with the Foundation mission is established, and the expected impact of the grants is assessed.
  • May - Grants are awarded in May and projects are usually implemented over the summer, putting donations to work in our children's classrooms right away
Chris JordanGrants