Start of Katie's Run on Pondfield Ave
The Saturday after Thanksgiving featured a blue bird sky and brisk weather. Not daunted by the cold over 300 racers came out to participate in the Annual Katie Welling Run/Walk. The 2.5-mile race route starts at the front of the Bronxville School on Pondfield and winds its way thru several neighborhoods surrounding the Bronxville School. At the 30 corners along the route Safety Volunteers cheer participants along their way, many have staffed “their” position for several years. The corner of Vine and Tanglewylde featured Lisa Sorenson and her mother, Dee Sorenson, perhaps our most senior volunteer wrapped in a stadium blanket in her chair sporting her safety vest. In addition, we would like to recognize the BHS Boys Varsity Basketball team who stepped out and participated as a team in the run.
The Bronxville School Foundation and the race coordinators wish to thank those of you whose support made the Annual Katie Welling Run/Walk a huge success. This event, organized by Katie’s classmates and friends 13 years ago has become an important community Thanksgiving weekend tradition. The Class of 2002 at BHS was a very close-knit group and they remember Katie as a special person who had a gift of bringing people together. Katie’s Run is a recurring manifestation of this community spirit of caring.
Thank you to Chief Satriale and teh members of the Bornxville Police Depaartment for their invaluable assistance: the Running Company Store (which again made its store available for registration on Friday) as well as several local businesses. J & G Deli, Langes Deli and Park Place Bagels contributed a post race feast. Mrs. Morgan's and Tryforos & Pernice contributed and Neal Gelfand took many wonderful pictures.
Congratulations to all our finishers.
Thank you to all who participated, whether you ran, walked, volunteered or just cheered from the sidelines. Your presence honoring Katie truly makes a difference to our Bronxville School family and community.